Digital India

From E-Governance to Digital Literacy
IRA Tablets Shaping India's Future

Join the Digital Revolution with IRA Tablets. As India strides confidently towards a digital future, IRA Tablets are proud contributors to the Digital India initiative. Discover how our devices bridge the digital divide, empowering citizens, businesses, and government agencies with technology that fosters progress and inclusivity.

How IRA Tablets
Helps Digital India

IRA Tablets play a pivotal role in e-Governance solutions, digital literacy initiatives, and overall digital empowerment. Our devices are instrumental in driving the Digital India vision forward.

E-Governance Success Stories

Learn how IRA Tablets have been deployed in successful e-Governance projects, ensuring efficiency and transparency in government operations.

Digital Literacy Initiatives

Explore how IRA Tablets contribute to digital literacy programs, making technology accessible to all.

Skill Enhancements

Through digital devices we can also enable the Government staff for Digital skill enhancements

Ideal Products for Digital India

View Other Industries

Explore how IRA Tablets are making an impact in Healthcare, Digital India, Hospitality, and Education.