Convergence India Expo 2024
17th – 19th January, 2024

As Convergence 2024 draws to a close, we at Wishtel Pvt Ltd extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this event so remarkable.

To those who walked the halls, shared their thoughts, and explored new ideas – you were the heart of this event.

The visits to our booth were invaluable. Your questions helped us refine our innovations, your enthusiasm kept us energized, and your collaborative spirit inspired us to reach new heights. We are incredibly grateful for the trust you placed in us and the #partnerships we made through conversations.

Convergence wasn’t just an event; it sparked a collective commitment to harness the power of #technology for good, bridging digital divides and empowering communities to flourish.

Leaving Convergence, we carry a renewed sense of purpose. Inspired by your vision, motivated by your collaboration, and guided by your belief in the power of technology, we are ready to tackle the #challenges ahead.

Thank you, once again, for making Convergence 2024 unforgettable. Let’s hope that next year brings us a Convergence that is just as fruitful.

#convergence2024 #event #innovation #wishtel